Tuesday, January 14, 2014

A Year already???

 How has it been a year?! That's right... This Sunday (January 19th) we will be the parents of a ONE YEAR OLD! Holy smokes!

Apparently realizing that your baby is no longer very babyish weighs on the emotions. Last week as I was reading through birthday cards I just lost it and starting crying right in the aisle. I have to say this has been a challenging, exhausting, and the absolute best year of my life. My husband and I continue to grow closer together as we raise our beautiful little Lily as a team. 

So what's new in the world of Lily? Her personality has been growing like a weed just like her little legs. She constantly makes me laugh, cry, and just feel so blessed to be her Mama. She is a cruising machine...She climbs and walks along everything! she loves to play with the Tupperware cabinets more than any toy and she's happy as long as she's in any room I'm in. She LOVES to wave to everyone and everything so people just fall in love with her anywhere we go. She is full of smiles and laughter and I am so smitten through it all. 

We finally got her sleeping in her room! It was probably the hardest obstacle for us this far. I'm such a baby myself when it comes to her crying, but sadly she was no longer sleeping well in bed with us and neither were we. We are headed into week 2 of her sleeping on her own and boy does she sleep! 6:30pm to 6:30am! 12 hours of me and  Matthew enjoying one anothers company and getting well rested to be the best Mama and Wife I can be. 

As for now I'll leave with a few pics and plans to be on here a lot more... :)
I love these pictures that show our journey. <3

 Today at the park. Can't get enough of this girl. 

God is truly amazing. 

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

20 Weeks Old Already???

Time has been flying by and apparently being a full time Mommy leaves little time for blogging. ;)
Our baby girl is growing so fast and I swear she learns something new everyday!  Instead of returning to work we decided the best thing for us is for me to stay home and love on our Lily Pad. I love getting to stay home with her and seeing all of these milestones first hand. I'll never regret this choice.

The first couple of months have been such a learning experience for us as new parents. I've become a ninja at the swaddling and diapering moments and how not to change a diaper on a loaded gun or pay the consequences. I can't even begin to explain the love I have for our Lily, but it's more than I ever thought possible. There are so many moments where I just stare at her amazed that God blessed us with such a beautiful child. I thank him every single day!
We went on our first overnight trip in April to Morro Bay and Lily did so well. She doesn't like to be in the car for long (she's a lot like me that way), but once we were there she was a very happy baby! We walked around, shopped, and of course ate lots of good food. We'll be going for our second overnight trip for the Fourth of July to Shaver, but this will be 3 nights in a cabin so hopefully all goes well!
I've started doing monthly pictures of Lily's growth with her own little sign and she grows so much every month. It's bittersweet because I love to see her reach milestones (like laughing, rolling, putting her feet in her mouth), but not too quickly since I'm enjoying my little baby.
I had such an amazing first Mother's day! We planned to go out to breakfast, but ended up doing an early lunch at Good Times 50's Diner instead and spent the remainder of the day just enjoying my little family. We jumped in the pool, but Lily and I decided it was too cold for us so it didn't last long.
Isn't she the sweetest??!!
A few of my absolute favorite things about being Lily's Mama is how she looks up at me and just smiles, how she can be crying and as soon as she's in my arms all her worries go away, and her beautiful laugh! (Not to mention she's a great sleeper!) She is such a happy baby and that in return makes me extremely happy. Also seeing how great Matt is with her is amazing in itself. I couldn't be any luckier.
I could ramble on forever about how much Lily totally rocks, but I'll keep it short and sweet since I am more than ready for a little sleep. She started teething at 3 months and nothing has broken through yet. Some days are better than others! Today I got to experience shopping with a cart in one hand and a baby wanting to be held in the other. Needless to say my left arm is getting pretty strong. ;)
A few of Lily's favorite things: Her feet, being in the Moby Wrap with Mama, and her Ducky. She also likes to chew on the straws that are in my drink glasses. I think she's trying to be like me. Monkey see Monkey do.

She sure is growing!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

She's Finally Here!

Meet Lily Noel Bardone
Born 01/19/13 @2:36pm

We went in to be induced and Lily decided she was coming on her own! After 3 hours of active labor our precious little girl was here! Good timing little one. :)

She is now 2 weeks old and is growing so fast. We are slowly figuring out our daily routines or lack there of and just going with the flow. God has blessed us so much with such an amazing baby. She is the sweetest and just loves to be cuddled.

I may be a little sleep deprived and not getting a whole lot done at home, but she is worth every moment and I know these times are going to go by too fast. Lily is already smiling a lot and showing such alertness it amazes me. We absolutely enjoy playing with her and making her smile.

We are looking forward to making so many great memories with our little Lily-Pad. <3

Photo Credit: JZanoPhotography

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

37 Weeks and Getting Antsy!

I've been pretty bad about updating on here often, but I've been exhausted and whenever I have energy it's used to prep for Sweet Pea's arrival!!

I'm now on Maternity leave and so thankful to not be at the office since I could no longer focus on work anyways. The nursery is coming together little by little, but I figure it will be more than ready whenever our little one actually gets to sleep in there... I've got 3 months for that right? But we did get the new rocker set up!;)

My last doctor appointment went great. My blood pressure has been perfect and little one is going strong! I've had a few contractions, but nothing consistent (Just enough to get us even more anxious!). Matt is so excited for Sweet Pea to arrive. Every day he asks me if I feel like I may have a baby today! and I catch him rocking in the nursery every once in a while. He is going to be an amazing dad!

Right now it's just the waiting game. I know she isn't due until the 25th, but because of my history we are thinking she'll come early. I guess we will just have to wait and see!

We also got our room organized and ready for her to sleep in comfortably so at the moment all we are missing is our sweet little baby.

Also we had a great Christmas! I didn't do much because I've been so tired, but we enjoyed some time with our family and one another. This is probably the last Chalkboard photo and I know it is 2 weeks late, but I've actually lost a little weight since and my bump hasn't grown. (My doctor says this is a sign Sweet Pea is on her way). 

Back to waiting... for now. :)

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Time is Flying By!

Time is flying by, and so much is happening all at once! Last week I was blessed with an absolutely beautiful baby shower put together by my loved ones. I love spending time with everyone and seeing how loved our little one is even before she arrives. Matt and I are getting so antsy to meet her, (but she better keep cooking)

Yesterday I got a little laundry done, but I've been so tired lately I feel like some things will just have to wait. I'm trying to pace myself so I don't pay for it later. We got so many cute outfits ready for our little Sweet Pea!

On Thursday we went to the Doctor, which actually let us get a glimpse of our little one (She said for an early Christmas gift since she could tell how excited at even the thought of seeing her). Baby girl has chubby cheeks and is very fascinated with her hands. She was sucking her thumb a lot too!! Absolutely made me gush at the thought of getting to meet her. <3

I'm currently 34 weeks, but all these pics are 33 weeks. I've been totally slacking because frankly I'm exhausted. This growing a baby business aint easy! ;)

Today we did our hospital tour and this week I'll be packing my hospital bag. I can't believe we only have 6 weeks to go, but I'm so ansty and a little bit on the nervous side. Hoping to get that little bit of energy I've been hearing about so we can get going on preparing for our little bundle of joy! :)

Until next time...

Friday, December 7, 2012

Nesting, Hormones, and The Usual Pregnancy Greatness!

So all I could think about yesterday while I was at work was going home and cleaning my bedrooms and bathrooms... Sure enough when I got home I did all that, cooked dinner, and did 3 loads of laundry! Nesting a little?? Maybe so. 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Sunday is my baby shower!!! Although I had a dream last night that no one, but my best friend showed up and instead we ate a ton of chocolate and watched How I Met Your Mother episodes (which I think we now need to plan a day for), but I'm sure many of my loved ones will come share the day with me and I can't wait! :)

Next week we'll be doing our hospital tour and the week after that I'll be packing my Hospital bag and going on Maternity leave. It's crazy how time is sneaking up on us, but it's so exciting!! and I really need to kick my butt into gear and get things done (THE NURSERY).

I'm to the point where my hips hurt whenever I try to roll over in bed and I weigh how important an object really is by whether I really want to bend down and pick it up after I've dropped it. The other night while I was in bed and the husband wasn't there I was having heartburn and needed a Tums. When I couldn't get the container opened I just started crying. Gotta love the hormones! I know quite well that our little girl will be worth every moment, but I can say that I am more than ready for our due date!

Not sure what this is, but it's the same size as our little girl! ;)

Thursday, November 22, 2012

31 Weeks - Happy Thanksgiving!

I'm officially 31 weeks and time seems to be just flying by! Lets hope it keeps it up. :)

Some recent updates:

 We went to our 30 week appointment and Sweet Pea and myself seem to be right on track! She is growing and so am I. I passed the glucose test with flying colors AFTER I had to take the 3 hour test. The only hard part about that (other than taking 4 needles to the arm) was being sick and stuck at the hospital for 4 and not 3 hours!

Baby girl's movements are so strong now that you can see the movement so easily from the outside. She is already a night owl like her Papa so I better prepare myself for the very long nights. ;)

We got our crib! Thanks to my wonderful in laws. They have truly been a blessing for us throughout everything. We are SO lucky!
(Here's the proud Papa putting his baby girl's crib together!)

As for this Mama to be I am feeling great. Of course I have trouble breathing because I'm totally running out of room in there and at the end of the day and I am exhausted, but I'll take it over many other things. <3

Today is Thanksgiving and we are so thankful for one another, our little one who will be here before we know it, our heavenly father who has blessed us beyond measure, and for spending quality time with family! Things are going to change so much in the next few months are we are so ready for it, but for now we are going to take in these moments and enjoy our last 9 weeks just being the two of us.

Happy Thanksgiving!